Nice is 'genuine progress' for workers - ICTU

The Nice Treaty represents "genuine progress for workers in Ireland, the EU and applicant countries" the Irish Congress of Trade…

The Nice Treaty represents "genuine progress for workers in Ireland, the EU and applicant countries" the Irish Congress of Trade Unions said at the launch of its Yes campaign today.

Mr Peter Cassells, ICTU general secretary, said: "The Treaty is not perfect, but in clearing the way for enlargement it provides Ireland and the other member states with potential access to an expanded market for goods and services".

He said there was an urgent need for a real debate about the future shape of the European Union. "It is regrettable that most of those campaigning for a No vote are using scare tactics," he continued.

Earlier today, the Green Party launched their No to Nice leaflet campaign saying EU governments will lose their veto under the Nice Treaty which will shift power from small states to big states.


Ms Patricia McKenna, MEP, said "one major change in the Nice Treaty which has been overlooked to date is that it proposes majority voting instead of unanimity for the appointment of the EU Commission as a whole and for the appointment of EU Commissioners".

This was followed by the formation of a socialist alliance to fight the Nice Treaty. Linking together the Socialist Workers Party, Socialist Democracy, the Irish Republican Writers Group and several prominent trade unionists, the group today produced a fact-sheet to carry arguments against the treaty.