Nightmare Creatures

Cobbled streets, dark alleyways, foggy and damp - it's London in the 19th century and the locals have turned a little sour

Cobbled streets, dark alleyways, foggy and damp - it's London in the 19th century and the locals have turned a little sour. A secret sect called the Brother of Hecate is trying to create a superhuman race, but its experiments on stolen corpses have gone drastically wrong.

Instead of creating supermen, members of the sect have transformed their subjects into grotesque monsters. These are now roaming the streets looking for an easy meal - and you could be it.

You can play the game as either Father Ignatius Blackward, a man of God who travels the world combating evil, or Nadia F, a student biologist-cum-gymnast.

Whichever one you choose, s comes down to you must take on the monsters in the dark of night. Both characters have a variety of moves to help them in their quest. That said, Father Ignatius's talents are a little more varied. He can, for example, employ the Judas Jacknife, Flying Elbow Smash or Hammerhead Crush in his efforts to overcome this evil. On the other hand, Nadia F is better with kicking moves and among her arsenal is the Cyclone Volley, Bloody Ballerina and Muscovian Boot Stomp.


Players don't have to rely solely on the physical side of combat as there is an abundance of power-ups available.

There are 20 levels of gameplay and the ultimate goal is to take on the founder of the brotherhood - Adam Crowley. After you have travelled the length and breadth of the City of London you will eventually meet him and his firebreathing Red Demons at Westminster. He's one nasty dude and will take all the skill that you have acquired to defeat him.

While Nightmare Creatures isn't an entirely original game, it seems to have taken some elements of Tomb Raider, Alone In The Dark and Resident Evil and managed to combine them into a Class A hybrid.

It's very atmospheric and the creatures sometimes catch you out unawares. One small gripe about Nightmare Creatures is that it is a little dark - not the content, but the general lighting. You'll need to brighten things up by adjusting your TV set. Make the most of every advantage you have; you'll need it.

Graphics: 92%, Sound: 84%, Gameplay: 90%