Nike executives safe after emergency landing

A Nike corporate jet carrying Chief Executive William Perez and other executives landed safely at an Oregon airport on Monday…

A Nike corporate jet carrying Chief Executive William Perez and other executives landed safely at an Oregon airport on Monday after a landing gear problem forced it to circle over Portland for hours.

Also among the seven people on board were Nike Brand Co-President Charlie Denson and Mary Kate Buckley, vice president and general manager of the Americas region, the company said.

The twin-engined Gulfstream V jet landed with wheels down and slowed to a safe halt, television pictures showed. Nike said the plane landed at the regional Hillsboro airport.

The plane had circled the airport, with right-wing landing gear stuck in its bay, earlier pictures had shown.


Nike shares were down $1.07, or 1.2 per cent, at $86.63 on the New York Stock Exchange.