No criminal proceedings on Lusk deaths

There are to be no criminal proceedings in relation to the death of two men who were shot and killed during an attempted armed…

There are to be no criminal proceedings in relation to the death of two men who were shot and killed during an attempted armed raid at a post office in Lusk, Co Dublin, last May, an inquest has heard. Dublin men Colm Griffin (33) and Eric Hopkins (24) were shot dead by armed gardaí at the scene.

Supt Joseph Kelly told Dublin City Coroner's Court that the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) had directed that no criminal proceedings be brought in relation to the two deaths. "We are seeking an adjournment as another person is before the courts charged in relation to the incident. That person would be a witness at this inquest."

Gavin Farrelly (28), Lr Sheriff Street, Dublin, appeared before Bridewell District Court days after being arrested at the scene last May charged with having a firearm and intent to commit a robbery.

Legal representative for the Griffin and Hopkins families, John Byrne BL opposed the adjournment on the grounds that the criminal proceeding were not in relation to the deaths of Colm Griffin and Eric Hopkins. Mr Byrne said his solicitor had been made aware "this morning" that the DPP had directed no prosecution in relation to the deaths. Coroner Dr Brian Farrell adjourned the inquest to June 13th to give the Chief State Solicitor time to make an application as to why the inquest should stand adjourned until the criminal trial of the man charged in relation to the incident is concluded.