No good news for Noonan in MRBI/Irish Times poll

Satisfaction with Fine Gael party leader Mr Michael Noonan is at exactly the level that prompted a heave against his predecessor…

Satisfaction with Fine Gael party leader Mr Michael Noonan is at exactly the level that prompted a heave against his predecessor, the latest Irish Times/MRBI opinion poll has shown.

The poll was carried out on the 14th and 15th of May among a national group sample of 1,000 electors through 100 sampling points in the State.

According to the poll, Ms Mary Harney was the only party leader to increase her satisfaction rating - up five points to 59 per cent.

Satisfaction with Taoiseach Mr Ahern fell two points to 64 per cent, and Labour leader Mr Ruairí Quinn's satisfaction rating dropped to 47 per cent, a fall of one point.


Satisfaction with the Government is 59 per cent, up one point; dissatisfaction fell by two points to 33 per cent, and the "don't knows" have dropped by one point to 8 per cent.

The full results of the poll will be published in tomorrow's Irish Times.