No job losses due to closure of barracks

MILITARY CUTBACKS: NO JOB losses will result from the closure of five military installations, according to the chief-of-staff…

MILITARY CUTBACKS:NO JOB losses will result from the closure of five military installations, according to the chief-of-staff of the Defence Forces yesterday.

Reacting to the Government decision to close four barracks and St Bricin's military hospital, Lieut Gen Dermot Earley said: "The Defence Forces, like every other State organisation, is not immune to the current financial situation.

"While the closure and relocation may come as a disappointment to some of the personnel involved, there are no job losses."

The four barracks closures, which will include Longford and Monaghan barracks, Rockhill House in Letterkenny and Lifford military post, are due to occur by January 31st, while St Bricin's military hospital will close at a later date. The 690 affected personnel will be redeployed to other barracks.


Gerry Rooney, general secretary of Pdforra, the union representing Defence Forces personnel, said: "The closures will cause disruption to the soldiers stationed at the barracks concerned, and will see between €6 million and €12 million lost to the local economies in north Donegal, Longford and Monaghan."