No new term for UK trade chief

BRITAIN: BRITISH PRIME minister Gordon Brown appeared to kill off any chance of EU trade chief Peter Mandelson serving a second…

BRITAIN:BRITISH PRIME minister Gordon Brown appeared to kill off any chance of EU trade chief Peter Mandelson serving a second term at the European Commission last night, Jamie Smythreports.

"Peter Mandelson has said he doesn't want to become the next commissioner, that he wants to do only one term," Mr Brown told reporters on the sidelines of the EU summit.

Mr Mandelson, a close ally of Tony Blair and deeply unpopular among Irish farmers, said a year ago he would not seek another spell after his current term expires in 2009. But British newspapers said this week Mr Brown had recently asked Mr Mandelson about the possibility of a second term, even though the two are reported to dislike each other.

Mr Mandelson had then said he might reconsider his decision.