North Korea had war plan, says defector

SEOUL - The North Korean leader, Mr Kim Jong-il, drew up a war plan in 1992 to capture South Korea in a lightning three-day assault…

SEOUL - The North Korean leader, Mr Kim Jong-il, drew up a war plan in 1992 to capture South Korea in a lightning three-day assault but abandoned the idea because his late father opposed it, a Pyongyang defector said yesterday.

Mr Kwon Young-hae, head of South Korea's Agency for National Security Planning (NSP), told a parliamentary committee that the defector, Mr Hwang Jang-yop, said the younger Mr Kim was still looking for an opportunity to strike against the South.

Mr Kwon's agency has been questioning Mr Hwang, the highest-ranking official ever to flee the impoverished country, since he arrived in the South last month.