North stance praised

A senior Fianna Fail member appealed for the House to be given a chance to highlight the very positive approach of the Government…

A senior Fianna Fail member appealed for the House to be given a chance to highlight the very positive approach of the Government in trying to resolve the Northern Ireland problem.

"We never had a Taoiseach, a Tanaiste or a Government that were more clear, that carried less baggage, that were prepared to reach an understanding with those in the North," said Mr Paddy McGowan (FF).

The Seanad should have an early opportunity to hear where we stood on issues that were causing concern to people throughout the island, he added. It had to be recognised that we shared this island and all its problems.

It was time the House had an opportunity of clarifying where we stood, because we were accused of being complacent on the killings and on all of the paramilitary activities.


Our Garda force was also being accused - and that was not acceptable. The Seanad should be enabled to voice its disapproval about these things, added Mr McGowan.

Appealing to the media to be more positive, Mr Willie Farrell (FF) said they seemed to have adopted a very negative attitude to the debate on the North and to be putting Gerry Adams against some of the unionists and also putting people into corners. That was not helpful in the search for a resolution of a difficult situation. They should be more positive in their approach.

Mr Joe Costello (Lab) called for a definitive statement on when the next local government elections would be held. The Minister for the Environment should make a statement to the House on the issue, he said.