North textile firm to shed 90 jobs

More than 90 jobs are to go with the closure of two production plants at a Northern Ireland textiles firm, it was announced today…

More than 90 jobs are to go with the closure of two production plants at a Northern Ireland textiles firm, it was announced today.

Ulster Weavers confirmed the redundancies as part of a restructuring programme to counter rising manufacturing costs.

Factories in Armagh and Castlewellan are to shut down, with further job losses at the company's head office near Banbridge. Managing director Mr Declan Gormley blamed strong overseas competition for the move.

He said: "We are no different to any other company in having to adapt our business so it is fit for purpose.


"No-one likes having to make people redundant but Ulster Weavers has to position itself to compete successfully in the international marketplace where product prices continue to fall."


The Armagh closure will result in 38 jobs being axed, with 39 going at Castlewellan.

More jobs will be lost at head office, and other staff relocated to the firm's Dungannon factory.


"Firms in textile manufacturing are fighting what appears to be a losing battle to hold their own in the international market," he said.


Unionist MLA Mr Danny Kennedy said the job losses were a shattering blow to the industry locally and urged the Government to intervene. Weavers, which produces Irish Linen products for retailers such as Marks and Spencer, stressed there was a strong order book. But it has decided on the overhaul in a bid to make the business more flexible over the next five years.