North training body cuts third of workforce

A public body working to alleviate unemployment in Northern Ireland is cutting a third of its workforce after having its government…

A public body working to alleviate unemployment in Northern Ireland is cutting a third of its workforce after having its government funding cut, it was announced last night.

Enterprise Ulster will make the cut of 50 in its 150 strong workforce, saying it has had £1m sterling reduced from its funding for the next financial year.

Set up in the days of high unemployment in Northern Ireland more than 30 years ago, it provides training for those seeking to get into the jobs market or retraining for those seeking to return with new skills.

The Department of Employment and Learning said that due to competing demands within the department, "difficult decisions" had to be made over budget allocations for the 2005-2006 financial year.


It said it had notified Enterprise Ulster of its allocation of £4.7 million for the next financial year back in March.

"While the Department provides funding for Enterprise Ulster as a non-departmental public body, it is for that organisation to manage its resources," said a departmental statement.

It added: "It is important to remember that unemployment is now at its lowest level ever."