North unemployment at record low

Unemployment in Northern Ireland has dropped to the lowest rate on record.

Unemployment in Northern Ireland has dropped to the lowest rate on record.

Seasonally adjusted figures for January to March show 40,000 people (5.2 per cent of the workforce) not in jobs - down 8,000 from the previous quarter.

The Labour Force Survey found 720,000 people in work in Northern Ireland, with 12,000 of these on government training schemes.

Over the past three months, benefit claims also fell by 467 on average, to stand at 32,100.


The new unemployment rate marks a 1.1 per cent drop from the previous quarter and brings it below four other UK regions - London, Scotland, West Midlands and the North East.

Although it is unchanged from the rate a year ago, this equals the lowest rate on record for Northern Ireland.

Enterprise minister Mr Barry Gardiner welcomed the fall, but he insisted top quality employment was still needed. "It is great that unemployment is so low, but we also need to create high value jobs that use the high level of skills of Northern Ireland's workforce.