Northern Ireland Honours List

Knights Bachelor (K)

Knights Bachelor (K)

Reginald Empey, OBE: member, Belfast City Council. For political and public service.

Ronald Flanagan, OBE: Chief Constable, Royal Ulster Constabulary. For services to the police.

Companions of the Order of the Bath (CB)


Jeremy John Moore Harbison: For public service.

Commanders of the Civil Division of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (CBE)

Patrick Alphonsus Bradley, OBE: For services to the electoral process.

Sean Curran, OBE: For public service.

Prof John Ashton Dodge: For services to children's health.

Walter Kenneth Lindsay: For public service.

Mrs Ann Forrest Shaw: For services to occupational health and safety.

Officers of the Civil Division of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (OBE)

Joseph Bell: For services to Sea Cadet Corps.

George Alan Cooper: For services to civil engineering.

Miss Marie Frances Therese Finnegan: For public service.

George Richardson Irwin, DL: For services to the shipping industry.

Dr Donal Arthur John Keegan: consultant physician. For services to rehabilitation services.

Ronald David Kells: For services to banking and to the community.

John Jerome McCormack: For service to the community.

John McKinney: Clerk and Chief Executive, Omagh District Council. For community leadership.

Mrs Joanna McVey: For services to the community.

Dr Clive John McLean Russell: For services to the medical profession.

Mrs Pearl Sagar: For services to the community and to women's issues.

Members of the Civil Division of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (MBE)

William Gerald Blaney: For services to the fire service.

Albert Brown: For services to the rehabilitation of offenders.

Thomas Joseph Calvert: lately investigation manager, HM Board of Inland Revenue.

David Alexander Carson: For services to the police.

Thomas George Cherry: For public service.

William Thomas Collins: For services to electrical engineering.

John Dalzell: For services to the community.

John Alexander Dalzell: For services to tourism and to amateur golf.

William Edward Daniel: For services to the police.

Peter Dickinson: For public service.

Henry Fletcher, JP: For services to the environment and to the community.

Samuel Gamble: school caretaker. For services to education.

Mrs Alison Margaret Harbison: For services to farming.

Mrs Etta Jennings: For services to sufferers of agoraphobia.

George McClean Kennedy: For services to the police.

Maurice Leitch: For services to literature.

John Alfred Magowan, QGM: For services to the police.

Phillip Marshall: For services to the police.

Mrs Hilda McDonald: For services to the police.

Mrs Charlotte McGrath: For services to elderly people and to the community.

Ronald Gerald Patrick McMullan: For services to pharmacy.

Mrs Susan Mary Millar: For services to the police.

Mrs Mary Geraldine Murray: For public service.

Mrs Colette Rose Neill: higher executive officer, Ministry of Defence.

William A. Nutt: For services to motorcycling.

Francis O'Kane: For services to the community.

Mrs Moira O'Neill: For services to tourism.

William Bamford O'Neill: farmer. For services to angling and tourism.

Mrs Eileen Frances Patterson: For public service.

Mrs May Phillips: For services to parent counselling.

Mrs Beatrice Elizabeth Quinn: For services to the counselling of the families of prisoners and for the victims of crime.

Hugh Reynolds: For services to the British Red Cross Society.

Norman Lloyd Richardson: For services to education and to the community.

Mrs Joan Sheeran: For services to primary education.

Gerald Wilson Sillery: For services to the police.

Gerald Victor Smyth: For charitable services.

Mrs Sarah Elizabeth Stewart: For services to people with learning disabilities.

James Swanston: For services to the police.

Sydney Talbot: For public service.

Miss Kay Trolan: For services to mentally and physically disabled young people.

Robert Norman Walmsley: For services to the police.

James Erskine Weir: For services to youth football.

William Weir: For charitable services to the community.

Miss Mairead Aine White: For services to community regeneration.

Adam James Wilson, JP: For services to further education.

Desmond Wesley Scott Wright: ploughing tutor and judge. For services to agriculture.

Queen's Police Medal (QPM)

Supt Bernard Fitzpatrick: Royal Ulster Constabulary.

Det Insp William Dougan Kyle: Royal Ulster Constabulary.