O'Donoghue's expenses criticised at COE opening

THE FOREIGN travel arrangements and expenses bill of John O’Donoghue during his tenure as arts minister were strongly criticised…

THE FOREIGN travel arrangements and expenses bill of John O’Donoghue during his tenure as arts minister were strongly criticised at the opening of the Claremorris Open Exhibition (COE), in Co Mayo, at the weekend.

Jim Kirrane, a founding member of Claremorris arts committee, which organises the internationally renowned exhibition, also warned that “any further cuts to funding of the arts must be resisted”.

The exhibition was launched by writer, activist, and Dublin city councillor, Mannix Flynn. He stressed the significance of art as “a very important mirror” of our lives as we are increasingly challenged by “the corporatisation” of society.

“When I was 15 years of age they said ‘this man is insane, lock him up’, it was through creativity and the hope it engendered that brought me here today, as a politician representing all the people of this country,” said Mr Flynn.


Earlier, Mr Kirrane observed: “One of the advantages of the boom was that for the first time in the history of the State attempts were being made to properly fund the sector through the Arts Council – whether this was by design or accident is another question.”

“And the reason I say this is that because if we look at the recent ministers appointed to the arts portfolio, we usually find square pegs in round holes. Of course, our last minister for arts spent lavishly – unfortunately his spending was not on the arts, but on himself,” he continued.

Mr O’Donoghue intends to make a written statement on the matter to TDs and Senators, that will be available before September 16th.

The Claremorris exhibition was curated by Tom Morton, of London’s Hayward Gallery.

COE attracted entries from over 200 artists, in a multiplicity of media, 37 of which made the final cut.

For 72-year-old NCAD student, Elizabeth Cleary – a COE prizewinner in 2008 – her performance, Balance, was achieved blindfold while weighing two plates of glasses at the end of a flexible rod.

COE Emerging Artist is Lisa Fingleton, and winners are David O’Kane and Laurence Kavanagh. The exhibition runs until Saturday, September 26th.

Áine Ryan

Áine Ryan is a contributor to The Irish Times