O'Flaherty protests to get replies

The European Investment Bank (EIB) has promised to respond individually to the hundreds of letters from Irish people protesting…

The European Investment Bank (EIB) has promised to respond individually to the hundreds of letters from Irish people protesting against the proposed nomination of Mr Hugh O'Flaherty as its vice-president.

An ECB spokesman said its chief legal adviser was still studying two letters from college lecturer Mr Denis Riordan, in which he warned he would be challenging the procedures being adopted by the bank for the appointment.

However, the spokesman said the process to ratify Mr O'Flaherty's nomination would go ahead. A simple majority of 13 of the bank's 25 directors must vote in favour of the former Supreme Court judge's nomination before it can be put to the bank's governors for final endorsement.

The deadline set for receipt of postal or e-mail votes from directors was last Friday, August 18th, but only a handful of votes were received by close of business that day.


The spokesman reiterated yesterday that Friday's deadline was "soft" and that votes would be accepted until the end of August, or even beyond.

The spokesman said the EIB's president and secretary-general were closely monitoring the situation.