The leader of the Seanad, Mrs Mary O'Rourke, said Mr Mark FitzGerald, of Sherry FitzGerald, was announcing that morning that "all of us of middle-age get out of our houses and go to live somewhere far away and give the houses to people. I think it is the most sexist, it is a ridiculous proposal that we give up our houses. I am not giving out about Mark FitzGerald. It is he who made the proposal."
Mr Brian Hayes, FG leader in the House, intervened to say it was not an order under Seanad practice to make reference to people who were not members.
Mrs O'Rourke: "Well the firm of Sherry FitzGerald made the proposal that we all get out of our houses and give them to other people. I haven't a notion, I'd like to tell him, and I am sure many others have not either."
Mr Paul Coghlan (FG) said it was not the firm of Sherry Fitz Gerald, it was one individual.
Mrs O'Rourke: "Thank you, Senator Coghlan, you are taking my side. I really appreciate that."