O’Sullivan invites players to talks

Cork chairman Jerry O’Sullivan has issued another plea to the striking players to engage in talks and resolve the ongoing dispute…

Cork chairman Jerry O’Sullivan has issued another plea to the striking players to engage in talks and resolve the ongoing dispute surrounding Gerald McCarthy’s position as hurling manager.

O’Sullivan, who’s sons Diarmuid and Paudie are among the 2008 panel, insisted that McCarthy’s tenure was not up for discussion but nonetheless urged the players to participate in “immediate talks”.

In a statement released tonight, O’Sullivan confirmed that no further motions would be accepted regarding McCarthy’s position following last night’s 84-13 vote backing the manager.

“Gerald McCarthy was democratically appointed as senior hurling team manager by the only body which has this function,” he explained. “At Tuesday’s county board meeting his appointment was reconfirmed by another overwhelming vote.”


But O’Sullivan still believes the estranged players can be brought back into the fold if they are willing to sit down and meet the county board and management team.

“I wish to reiterate again the County Committee’s and the team management’s absolute desire to have the opportunity with the players involved to try to find a solution to the impasse, which can only be achieved by dialogue between all parties, and I again extend a sincere invitation to the players to engage in immediate talks.”