Obama appoints Clinton and keeps Gates

US President-elect Barack Obama today announced his national security team, nominating former rival Hillary Clinton as secretary…

US President-elect Barack Obama today announced his national security team, nominating former rival Hillary Clinton as secretary of state and asking Defense Secretary Robert Gates to stay on in that role.

Mr Obama, who takes office on January 20th, has pledged to be more inclusive and says he has a vision of renewing America's leadership in world affairs after President George W Bush's eight years in office.

A statement from his office said Mr Obama had also named Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano as homeland security secretary, Eric Holder as attorney general, retired Marine General James Jones as national security adviser and long-time adviser Susan Rice as ambassador to the United Nations.

Mr Obama, who takes office on January 20th, has pledged to be more inclusive and says he has a vision of renewing America's leadership in world affairs after President George W. Bush's eight years in office.


Mr Obama said he aimed to implement a "new dawn of American leadership" that integrates military, diplomacy, law enforcement and the economy.

"They share my pragmatism about the use of power, and my sense of purpose about America's role as leader in the world," Mr Obama said.

"The team that we have assembled here today is uniquely suited to do just that," he said in a statement. Ms Clinton, who waged a fierce battle against Obama for the Democratic presidential nomination, has served more than four decades in public service. Aides have said Mr Obama admires Ms Clinton's work ethic and also believes the former first lady's star power would boost his vision of improving America's global standing.

The appointment of Mr Gates to such an important position fulfills Mr Obama's promise of including Republicans in his administration. The 65-year-old defense secretary has been lauded by members of both parties since taking over the Pentagon from Donald Rumsfeld in late 2006.
