Obama defends 'important breakthrough'

UNITED STATES: PRESIDENT BARACK Obama has defended an international climate accord reached in Copenhagen as an “important breakthrough…

UNITED STATES:PRESIDENT BARACK Obama has defended an international climate accord reached in Copenhagen as an "important breakthrough" but stressed that it was only a step towards curbing global carbon emissions.

“For the first time in history, all of the world’s major economies have come together to accept their responsibility to take action on the threat of climate change,” Mr Obama said in a statement after returning from the Danish capital overnight.

United Nations climate talks ended with a bare-minimum agreement that fell well short of the conference’s original goals after prolonged negotiations failed to paper over differences between rich nations and the developing world.

Mr Obama, who brokered an accord at the last moment with China, India, Brazil and South Africa to avoid coming home empty-handed, acknowledged that the talks had been tough.


“After extremely difficult and complex negotiations, this important breakthrough laid the foundation for international action in the years to come,” he said, speaking from a snow-bound White House as a winter storm blanketed Washington.

“Going forward, we are going to have to build on momentum that we established in Copenhagen to ensure that international action to significantly reduce emissions is sustained and sufficient over time,” he said.

Mr Obama has staked significant political capital in pressing for climate change in Copenhagen while simultaneously pushing for healthcare reform back home, and he must contend with an increasingly climate-sceptical American public.

A Washington Post-ABC News opinion poll published on Friday found 45 per cent of those surveyed approved of his handling of global warming, down from 54 per cent in June and 61 per cent in April.

Mr Obama’s broader approval ratings have also dipped as Americans contend with double-digit unemployment as the economy recovers from its worst recession in 70 years.

He sought on Saturday to link job creation with his climate policies.

“At home, that means continuing our efforts to build a clean energy economy that has the potential to create millions of new jobs and new industries,” he said. “If America leads in developing clean energy, we will lead in growing our economy and putting our people back to work.” – (Reuters)