Objection to dance licence for publican

Gardaí are objecting to the granting of a dance licence for a pub owned by Mr Martin Ring, brother of Mayo Fine Gael TD Mr Michael…

Gardaí are objecting to the granting of a dance licence for a pub owned by Mr Martin Ring, brother of Mayo Fine Gael TD Mr Michael Ring, a court heard yesterday.

Mr Ring leases the Cameo pub in Little Brittain Street, Dublin, and since he took it over, it has been a source of nuisance for local residents and gardaí, Dublin District Court heard.

Insp Tim McCarthy said he would be objecting to the licence because of the amount of "Garda attention" the premises had required since Mr Ring took it over. Local residents would also give evidence about noise nuisance, he said.

Asked by Mr Ring's solicitor whether the evidence would be in relation to what people saw or heard, Insp McCarthy said: "Gardaí have been called to the premises and have witnessed what the residents both heard and saw."


Gardaí were also concerned that the plans originally submitted to them for the pub did not show any area for a dance floor.

Judge Catherine Murphy adjourned the case for a full hearing next February.

Mr Ring, who was in court yesterday, was the victim of a knife attack during an incident at the premises the weekend before last.