Aerosol cans could explode on window sills in hot weather, warns fire brigade

Dublin Fire Brigade warns against leaving mirrors or aerosol cans near direct sunlight

Dublin Fire Brigade has warned people not to leave any aerosol cans on their window sills today

Dublin Fire Brigade has warned people not to leave any aerosol cans on their window sills today as temperatures are set to reach 25 degrees.

The fire brigade also warned against leaving mirrors or reflective beads anywhere near direct sunlight as this can cause a fire or explosion.

The warnings come as the country experiences some of the sunniest weather we have had all year.

Met Éireann forecaster Liz Gavin said the highest temperatures today would be around the midlands and Leinster and would exceed those of Wednesday.


Wednesday was hot and sunny with temperatures of up to 24 degrees in parts.

“We’re expecting longer spells of sunshine [today]. Temperatures will be anything from 19 to 25 degrees generally.

“Temperatures will be at their highest in the midlands and in east Connacht, and in parts of the northwest,” Ms Gavin said.

She said it could “possibly be the hottest day of the year.”