Huge sinkhole swallows cars on street in Rome

Famillies in nearby buildings were evacuated from the residential street

Residents were forced to evacuate their homes after a huge sinkhole opened up in the Italian capital of Rome. Video: Vigili Del Fuoco

Authorities in Rome have launched an investigation after a 30ft-wide sinkhole swallowed half a dozen cars on a residential street.

No one was injured in Wednesday evening’s collapse in the Balduina neighbourhood, but families in nearby buildings were evacuated as a precaution.

The ANSA news agency said prosecutors had placed a property owner and the company handling construction along the road under investigation.

Policemen, firefighters and technicians work at the Via Livio Andronico to restore the road the day after a sinkhole opened up. Photograph: Massimo Percossi/EPA
Cars are towed away after a sinkhole that opened up. Photograph: Massimo Percossi/EPA

Rome mayor Virginia Raggi visited the site and stressed that the sinkhole, which appeared to shave off the entire side of the road, occurred at an active construction site, and that the situation is under control.– AP