Swedish girl (8) discovers ancient sword in lake

Saga Vanecek stepped on blade believed to be about 1,500 years old when helping father with boat

This photo taken in July 2018 and released by the Jonkopings lans Museum shows a pre-Viking era sword in Jonkopings, Sweden. Saga Vanecek has found a similar weapon in the Videostern lake. Photograph: Annie Rosen/Jonkopings lans Museum via AP

An eight-year-old girl has stumbled on a pre-Viking era sword in a lake in southern Sweden.

Saga Vanecek was helping her father with his boat in the Vidostern lake when she stepped on an 85cm (34in) sword in a holster made of wood and leather.

The sword is believed to be about 1,500 years old.

Mikael Nordstrom, of the local Jonkoping County museum, said Saga's find prompted others to seek out long-lost treasures in a lake that had been diminished by drought.


A brooch from between 300AD-400AD was eventually found.

Mr Nordstrom said archaeologists are trying to understand why the items were there, with one suggestion being that it was for sacrificial purposes. – AP