Oil slips back amid profit-taking

Oil slipped today as traders took profits from crude's biggest one-day jump ever, but OPEC's resistance to pumping more oil kept…

Oil slipped today as traders took profits from crude's biggest one-day jump ever, but OPEC's resistance to pumping more oil kept prices near their latest record high.

US light, sweet crude for July delivery fell 93 cents to $137.61 overnight, softening as the dollar rebounded and the threat of economic damage from high costs mounted.

But traders gave up little of the unprecedented $10.75 surge on Friday, when oil hit a new record of $139.12 amid frenetic buying triggered by the slumping dollar and comments by an Israeli minister about a possible attack on Iran, the world's fourth-largest producer.

A forecast by investment bank Morgan Stanley that oil prices could top $150 a barrel by the July 4th US holiday added to Friday's speculative fever, taking two-day gains to more than $16 a barrel and reversing two weeks of losses.

Oil's six-year-long rally has gathered pace this year, with prices rising about 40 per cent since January as funds hedge against the dollar and some bet that long-term oil supplies will
struggle to keep up with demand in the decades ahead.

At the weekend, key OPEC officials maintained they saw no need to consider pumping more oil now, despite the price surge and Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's call for G8 nations to "apply the blow-torch" to force producers to pump more crude.

"I think there is enough oil in the market, I did not hear anybody calling for a meeting," Shokri Ghanem, head of Libya's National Oil Corporation and the country's top oil official, said.

OPEC, supplier of more than a third of the world's oil, is next scheduled to meet on September 9th to discuss oil policy.

Saudi Oil Minister Ali al-Naimi and his Pakistani counterpart agreed on Sunday that oil's surge was not linked to fundamentals, the Saudi Press Agency reported.

While consumer nations have often urged the cartel to tame prices by pumping more crude, Group of Eight energy ministers meeting in Japan at the weekend focused on domestic efficiency and technology as the long-term solution to record oil, refraining from a call to pump more crude now.

OPEC ministers have repeatedly blamed speculation and other factors for the surge in prices. BP CEO Tony Hayward said the rise reflected imbalanced fundamentals.