ON STUMP: campaigning in Indiana

MICHELLE OBAMA: INDIANA - The Democratic campaign yesterday deployed its reserve weapon, Michelle Obama, sending her to traditionally…

MICHELLE OBAMA:INDIANA - The Democratic campaign yesterday deployed its reserve weapon, Michelle Obama, sending her to traditionally Republican Indiana to tell voters they were faced with a clear choice.

In the struggling industrial town of Fort Wayne, she said there was only one candidate who had a plan for universal healthcare, children going to college and a timetable for troop withdrawal from Iraq.

"The choice is clear in this election. There's only one candidate who is talking about the issues that matter most to American families," she said.

Her appearance was a sign of the campaign's confidence. The last time Indiana's 11 electoral votes went to the Democrats in a presidential election was in 1964.


Local polls show John McCain leads by five to seven points, but the margins have been closing. "We are taking nothing for granted. Barack Obama will be the underdog until he is sitting in the White House," said Ms Obama. - ( Guardianservice)