Online company to double staff numbers

A Gaeltacht online development company is set to double its workforce after only two years in business.

A Gaeltacht online development company is set to double its workforce after only two years in business.

Aro, located in Furbo, Co Galway, was founded by a former consultant to Digital, Mr Alan Rowe, who has worked in the Internet industry for over seven years. He has combined the experience of working with multinationals with the media and graphic design expertise of his business partner, Ms Triona Mac Giolla Ri.

Last year, Aro won the Galway Chamber of Commerce and Industry/Ernst and Young Business Award for innovative solutions. Its clients include Bord Failte, Jurys Doyle Hotel Group, Irish Court Hotel Group, Choice Hotels and Ennis's "Champion Business" programme. One of the company's earliest projects was the successful website, Golf Club Ireland.

The company has developed its own e-business solution, whereby clients are provided with the management and support required to integrate the Internet into day-to-day commercial activity. Bord Failte, which drew on the Aro system, was recently awarded the Golden Spider for Marketing Excellence for its Tourism Brand Ireland website.


Aro is also one of the promoters of MG2000, the £700,000 Internet project for the Gaeltacht being developed with support from Udaras na Gaeltachta, Local Ireland and the National Millennium Committee. Initiated by the Minister of State for the Arts, Heritage, Gaeltacht and the Islands, Mr Eamon O Cuiv, earlier this month, the site - - aims to be the ultimate reference for all things Gaeltacht, both locally and nationally.

Aro's expansion from its current workforce of 22 to over 50 will be announced today in Connemara by the Minister of State for Science and Technology, Mr Treacy.

Mr Rowe says the expansion will consolidate the company's position as "one of the major providers of e-commerce solutions in Ireland".

The chief executive of Udaras na Gaeltachta, Mr Ruan O Bric, has stated that "Aro and similar modern service companies are crucial in providing young people with job opportunities in the Gaeltacht that are commensurate with their education and experience".