Only 20,000 landlords sign up to tenancy board

A body set up to regulate the residential rental sector has been formally unveiled in Dublin this afternoon.

A body set up to regulate the residential rental sector has been formally unveiled in Dublin this afternoon.

According Department of the Environment figures, however, only 20,000 out of an estimated 140,000 rented properties have been registered on time.

The Private Residential Tenancies Board (PRTB) has responsibility for the registration of landlords with the State.

Landlords of residential housing are obliged by law to register with the PRTB and those failing to register face fines of up to €3,000 and/or up to six months in prison, along with a daily fine of €250 for a continuing offence.


The PRTB will also provide a dispute-resolution service to landlords and tenants. Landlords now have to inform the PRTB of any changes in rent and when a new tenancy is created.

Ms Aideen Hayden, chairperson of Threshold, has called on all tenants to make sure that their landlords are registered with the board.

Landlords were legally obliged to register their properties with the new Private Residential Tenancies Board by 1st December.

Threshold has advised tenants who have not been asked by their landlords for their PPSN number to contacted them about registration.

Following registration, a registration number and details of the registration are issued to the landlord and the tenant.