OPEC defers decision on increasing oil supply

OPEC today expressed "deep concern" about high world oil prices and said it did not want to endanger world economic growth.

OPEC today expressed "deep concern" about high world oil prices and said it did not want to endanger world economic growth.

But Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries President Purnomo Yusgiantoro said a decision on raising supplies would wait until a full meeting in Beirut on June 3rd.

Mr Purnomo was speaking after an informal meeting of cartel ministers in Amsterdam. No recommendation was made on a Saudi proposal for a big increase in output.

Saudi wants the cartel to increase production limits by at least 8.5 per cent, two million barrels a day, to topple prices from $40 a barrel for US crude.

OPEC's chief economist said world markets were absorbing 2.3 million bpd more than existing official producer limits of 23.5 million.


Producers face heavy pressure from big petroleum importers who fear rising energy costs could stunt world economic growth.

Ministers from the Group of Seven top industrialised nations, meeting this weekend in New York, have said they want swift OPEC action.

Saudi already has decided to raise its own output to nine million barrels daily next month, up from about 8.3 million bpd in April, Saudi Oil Minister Ali al-Naimi said on Thursday.

He said Riyadh could open the pumps even further if necessary, giving an assurance that Saudi was capable of reaching a maximum of 10.5 million barrels daily.