Opinion poll suggests 67% against Bush visit

An opinion poll suggests that two-thirds of Irish residents are opposed to the visit of US President George W Bush to Ireland…

An opinion poll suggests that two-thirds of Irish residents are opposed to the visit of US President George W Bush to Ireland at the end of June.

The poll carried out for the Irish Examinerand RTE's Prime Timeprogramme found that 67 per cent of those polled in the East constituency were against the visit.

Only 19 per cent were in favour of the visit while 14 per cent said they had no opinion. The poll was carried out on Tuesday and Wednesday this week in the European Parliament East constituency on a sample of 500 people by Lansdowne Market Research.

Mr Bush will be in Ireland for only 12 hours on the night of June 25th and the early morning of the 26th for a US-EU summit. He is to stay in Dromoland Castle. The summit will be chaired by Taoiseach Mr Ahern as president of the EU Council.