Orange Order ready to begin legal action

The Orange Order is to begin legal action against the Parades Commission claiming that bans and restrictions on parades breach…

The Orange Order is to begin legal action against the Parades Commission claiming that bans and restrictions on parades breach the European Convention of Human Rights, writes Paul Tanney, in Belfast.

The announcement came as the commission upheld its decision that only one Orange lodge could parade on the west bank of Derry city in tomorrow's parade. It also upheld its decision to re-route a parade away from Dunloy, Co Antrim, as well as restrictions on a parade in Portadown.

A spokeswoman for the Order said proceedings were still at a very early stage.

In a statement, the commission said it welcomed court challenges to its decisions as these could serve to clarify the law. The Orangemen also announced that they would be introducing a Covenant for Human Rights tomorrow as part of a campaign for a restoration of their "fundamental human rights".


The order said it would call on "all citizens irrespective of race, religion, or creed," to sign the covenant.

Meanwhile a residents' group from the nationalist Ardoyne area in north Belfast and members of Sinn Fein spoke to the commission about feeder parades in their areas which they said would be provocative. A decision on the Ardoyne parades is due today.