Out for the trout in Killarney

ANGLING NOTES WITH DEREK EVANS: THE LAKES OF KILLARNEY were the place to be last Sunday week as trout anglers converged on Lough…

ANGLING NOTES WITH DEREK EVANS:THE LAKES OF KILLARNEY were the place to be last Sunday week as trout anglers converged on Lough Lein to participate in a wet-fly charity competition at one of Ireland's most scenic locations.

"The Charity", now in its 18th year, attracted 126 boat anglers drawn mainly from the south west region. Setting out from Ross Castle with fishing partner Dave Tracy from Cork, I witnessed the splendid sportsmanship associated with this annual event, as the flagboats led the flotilla out to Library Point for the start of the competition.

Wild brown trout were our quarry with small patterns of Black Pennel, Jungle Cock and Blae Black much in evidence. The trout in Lein are small with an average size of 0.2kg. At The Wash (alongside the golf course), O'Mahony's Bay, Victoria Bay and Brown Island we managed at least 16 fish. Alas, with the increased size limit of 10 1/2 inches (266mm), only two of my fish qualified, sufficient to take sixth prize!

Calm conditions made fishing difficult; however, a winner did emerge with two fish for .685g. Gerard O'Mahony from Macroom took the honours to claim his first win in this prestigious competition. For the record, "The Charity" raised €13,269 to be divided between Kerry Stars Special Olympic Clubs and Killarney Water Rescue, bringing the total raised for local charities since 1987 to more than €140,000.


• Pride of place this week goes to Melvyn Wood for his "fish of a lifetime" on Lough Corrib last Sunday week. While fishing out from Nonaim Lodge with boatman Mark Molloy, Wood succeeded in landing a magnificent wild brown trout of 12.5lb (5.7kg) on only 5lb (2.2kg) fluorocarbon line. What made the capture all the more memorable was the fact the fly, a Dabbler, was designed and tied by Wood.

Plans are underway for the much-anticipated fourth edition of Hooked on the Moy magazine. The popular free fishing magazine that profiles the River Moy and the surrounding region is expected to be in circulation by mid-summer. The glossy publication is much sought-after by the 10,000 visitors who visit the Moy every year because of the information and valuable tips it contains. It also showcases Mayo as a tourist destination and highlights places to visit.

Hooked on the Moy has attracted impressive celebrity interviews in previous editions and the upcoming magazine promises to follow suit. Top of the bill is an exclusive interview with fashion designer John Rocha. The internationally acclaimed fashion icon tells how he never misses his annual trips to the River Moy as he swaps the catwalks in Paris and Milan for the great salmon fishing in Ballina.

Invaluable to visiting anglers are the detailed maps of the 13 different stretches and beats of the Moy. In addition, there are tips for catching the silver Moy salmon. Editor and publisher is John Geary from Pontoon who produces the magazine as a hobby when not working as a solicitor in a leading Dublin law firm.

The bi-annual publication travels far and wide with copies handed out at tourist offices, tackle shops and accommodation providers as well as fishing shows in the UK, Europe and US. It is also highly regarded by the fisheries boards and local community who see the magazine as a great ambassador for the region.

Contact John Geary at 087-8217368 or e-mail rivermoy.geary@gmail.com

• Don't miss next week's Angling Notes for the first of our monthly Irish Times/Jimmy Tyrrell's Irish Flycraft lough and river flies reader competition.