Over 300,000 expected to take part in Culture Night 2012

FROM EXPLORING how to turn everyday rubbish into art to tracing your ancestry or learning how to dance a set, there’s a real …

FROM EXPLORING how to turn everyday rubbish into art to tracing your ancestry or learning how to dance a set, there’s a real emphasis on active participation in this year’s Culture Night, taking place this evening.

A total of 34 cities, towns and villages are due to hold events, with many local institutions, cultural centres, halls and public buildings set to remain open late into the night.

The event began in Ireland in 2006 with 40,000 people taking part.

This year, the number of people involved is expected to surpass 300,000, with a significant number of overseas visitors participating.


Dermot McLaughlin, chief executive of Temple Bar Trust, believes the event will have a significant financial impact.

“We estimate that there’ll be around €1.7 million of economic activity that otherwise would not happen,” he pointed out.

“Our research tells us that nine out of 10 locals expect to spend between €40 and €60 on Culture Night.

“The longer-term gains include growing the customer base for venues, theatres, historic houses [and] galleries,” he added.

A conference featuring international speakers, which will look at how venues and creative businesses can retain some of the new visitors they hope to attract during Culture Night, takes place today at Ibat College on Wellington Quay in Dublin.

Guest speakers include Dr John Montgomery of Urban Cultures Ltd, and town planner and urbanist Steven Bee.

“Let’s look behind the fun and the adventure – Culture Night is a serious marketing and business opportunity,” Mr McLaughlin added.

See culturenight.ie



The James Joyce House on Usher's Island, where his most famous short story, The Dead, was set, will be open for "tea, songs and a tour" from 5-10pm.


Druid Theatre Company is hosting an open house in their theatre from 6pm to 9pm to coincide with the company's DruidMurphy project.



The Glucksman Gallery comes alive after-hours as the building is transformed into a live sketchbook. Games aimed at younger visitors will also be programmed as well as art for all the family. It runs from 5-10pm.



South Korean pianist Young-Choon Park, who was performing Beethoven with symphony orchestras at the age of nine, gives a free concert at The Watergate Theatre on Parliament Street at 1.10pm today. watergatetheatre.com


The National Chamber Choir of Ireland performs in St Mary's Cathedral in Limerick city at 8pm as part of their Equinox tour. No pre-booking is needed.


Brian O'Connell

Brian O'Connell

Brian O'Connell is a contributor to The Irish Times