Over 9,000 cross Border for work

More than 9,000 people from the North travelled to the Republic to work last year, according to a new report

More than 9,000 people from the North travelled to the Republic to work last year, according to a new report. This represents a dramatic rise on 1996-97 when fewer than 2,500 people did so.

The report by PricewaterhouseCoopers/Indecon will be presented to the North/South Ministerial Council this summer. The matter was raised at a public meeting in Omagh, Co Tyrone, last night to discuss the obstacles to mobility facing people wanting to move across the Border to work, study and live.

The meeting was part of a consultation and research process which will lead to a major report on obstacles to cross-Border mobility to be presented to to the North/ South Ministerial Council, the NI Executive and the Government.