Paisley lists 10 principles for traditional unionism

I am proud to be an Ulsterman

I am proud to be an Ulsterman. I have no apology of any kind to make for my religion, my native province, my politics or my people.

There are those who disclaim history and whose mouth is filled with "hifalutin" talk about facing the future.

I happen to believe that we can only face the future if we have knowledge and understanding of the past.

Place Mr Trimble and his fellow-travellers with IRA/Sinn Fein beside our founding father [Sir Edward Carson]. What miserable, despicable characters they are. If they want to stop IRA/Sinn Fein in government they only need to do a simple thing - say goodbye to their love-in with IRA/Sinn Fein in the Executive. Quit playing Sinn Fein representatives on the North-South Council of Ministers, but his office pays for what are illegal meetings of that body from which he banned them! And now for their law suit against the government!


What, Mr Trimble, of the two other Nationalist Front delegations - Dublin and the SDLP? Mr Trimble has preached unceasingly the value of the North-South bodies. Why suddenly does he find them so dangerous? But, wait for it, he says he is now teetering on the verge of reconsideration!

The people of Ulster know that the British government has him in its straitjacket. He is not a free agent. He negotiates as a man with a knife in his back.

Many of us would like to know when and where it was manufactured and whose hands hold its handle. Official Unionist leaders are dispensable commodities with Westminster governments, who by fair means or foul, can have them removed. They laud them as they sell them out and then destroy them when they are of no further use in their scheme.

In the name of the people, I indict him and those backing him with their votes in the Assembly and elsewhere, of successive acts of the gravest treachery.

David Trimble, I indict you.

In the name of Ulster's honoured dead, I indict you.

In the name of the majority of unionists, I indict you.

In the name of the anguished bereaved, I indict you.

In the name of those who trusted you and discovered, after the referendum, your hellish treachery, I indict you.

This day I say: David Trimble, in God's name go before you bring any more sacrifice, sorrow and shame to the people of this province.

A fierce and most bitter battle is before us. Unionism needs to recover its roots. The unity of unionism can only be found on the definitive platform of traditional unionism. The downgrade to a united Ireland must at all costs be stopped. The coming election will give us a democratic platform to take on the enemies.

In view of the strong united position of the pan-nationalist front, with the SDLP in the pocket of IRA/Sinn Fein and with Tony Blair prepared to sell out even the very security of our province to retain his tattered world influence, every right-thinking unionist who cherished their heritage must take stock of the critical position. The first duty is for us all to know exactly what our basic unionist principles are. I list an essential 10:

1. The maintenance of Northern Ireland as an undiluted integral part of the United Kingdom.

2. That the principles of democracy as practised elsewhere in the kingdom be applied throughout Northern Ireland.

3. That the con-dominion status of Northern Ireland as a lackey of Dublin should forthwith cease. The internal affairs of Northern Ireland should be solely the responsibility of the Northern Ireland people.

4. No executive powers should be vested in any body dominated by the Republic's representatives.

5. No representatives of any group which maintains illegal and terrorist weapon arsenals should be in the government of Northern Ireland.

6. As long as the terrorists carry out their campaign, there should be no dismantling or diluting of the RUC either in name, numbers, uniforms or structures.

7. All who have suffered at the hands of terrorists should be adequately compensated, with all handouts, open or covered, to terrorist groups to cease forthwith.

8. Interference with the flying of the Union Flag as it flies in the rest of the United Kingdom, should cease. This must also apply to the displays of the monarch's portrait and Remembrance Day activities.

9. All protocol regulations should apply to the Irish Republic as a foreign power.

10. Elections should be free and not postponed or the ballot papers rigged to give advantage to any section of the population. All basic common civil rights should be honoured in reference to parades, etc.

These basic principles, which are enshrined in all the nations in the European Union, should be part of the practice in Northern Ireland.

Traditional unionists should come together and affirm agreement on these common principles and on other essentials, joining in common purpose and action to achieve them. The foundations upon which Ulster must build must be rock solid, not the sinking sands of the Belfast Treachery Agreement.