Pakistan claims involvement in terror arrests

Pakistan's intelligence service helped British security agencies foil a plot to blow up several aircraft flying between Britain…

Pakistan's intelligence service helped British security agencies foil a plot to blow up several aircraft flying between Britain and the United States, a senior Pakistani official said today.

"Pakistan actively cooperated to make this happen," the official said on condition of anonymity. "There was very close cooperation between the intelligence agencies of the two countries."

The official said action was being taken in Pakistan, but would not confirm whether any arrests had been made in the country.

French Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy also said today that the alleged plot appeared to be "of Pakistani origin."


"In two to three days we'll have more concrete information on the modus operandi of this terrorist group, that appears to be of Pakistani origin," he said.

Mr Sarkozy also said that France would order full searches of all hand-luggage on flights to the United States, Britain and Israel as part of stepped up security after the alleged foiled plot.

He said France would leave its current security alert level at red, the second highest, and that security on the Eurostar rail link between France and Britain would be increased.

"We have decided ... to conduct 100 per cent searches of hand-luggage on all flights bound for the United States, Britain and Israel," Mr Sarkozy said.

"We will also carry out random searches and step up patrols on the Eurostar, and stations and airports in France."

He said there appeared to be no link between the suspects arrested by British authorities and known terrorist groups in France but he expected to receive further briefings from British authorities in the next few days.