Palestinian charged with nightclub bombing

A Palestinian has been charged with murder over his alleged involvement in a suicide bombing at a beachside Tel Aviv nightspot…

A Palestinian has been charged with murder over his alleged involvement in a suicide bombing at a beachside Tel Aviv nightspot last month, Israeli army radio has reported.

Mr Mahmud Nadi, 31, from the northern West Bank town of Qalqiliya, is accused of helping plan the attack and driving the suicide bomber to the nightclub where he blew himself up in a crowd of young revellers, it said.

A total of 21 young people, most of them Israelis, were killed along with the bomber in the June 1st attack.

Mr Nadi was arrested hours after the blast at his home in Qalqilya, a town where the bomber, Mr Said Hutari, a member of the extremist militant Hamas movement, had lived for two years.


Earlier today, fighting rocked the Gaza Strip while Israel was on alert for possible attacks by Palestinian militants.

Israeli forces smashed houses in a refugee camp at Rafah, the Gaza Strip hotspot, leaving scores of Palestinians homeless and triggering running gunbattles that caused injuries on both sides.

At Ramallah in the West Bank Mr Yasser Arafat said the Palestinians would seek international action to stop the "crime" of Israel's demolition of Palestinian homes.