Palestinian stabs two in Jewish settlement

A Palestinian stabbed an Israeli policeman and a passerby in a Jewish settlement near Jerusalem today.

A Palestinian stabbed an Israeli policeman and a passerby in a Jewish settlement near Jerusalem today.

The attacker was shot and wounded by the policeman he stabbed and taken along with the two injured Israelis to hospital.

The incident occurred in the settlement of Gilo, in the occupied West Bank, near Jerusalem.

A police spokesman said two police officers on patrol in Gilo had stopped an Arab for questioning on the street when he pulled out a knife and stabbed one of them.


"The [wounded] policeman fired at the terrorist, but he continued to attack and stabbed a 60-year-old passerby, before he was apprehended," the spokesman said.

The ambulance service said he and the policeman sustained moderate wounds and the passerby was in critical condition.
