Parade alcohol plea faces rejection

Off-licences are to reject a request by Lord Mayor of Dublin Michael Conaghan to remain closed until 6pm on St Patrick's Day.

Off-licences are to reject a request by Lord Mayor of Dublin Michael Conaghan to remain closed until 6pm on St Patrick's Day.

Cllr Conaghan has invited off-licence and vintners' representatives to the Mansion House this morning to request they do not sell takeout alcohol during the day, in an effort to curb public drunkenness.

National Off-licence Association chairman Jim McCabe said he will attend this morning's meeting, but he will not ask his members to abide by Cllr Conaghan's request.

"It seems we are being blamed for the trouble caused on St Patrick's Day last year, when it is up to each individual to behave themselves."


Some off-licence owners could decide to close on St Patrick's Day, but Mr McCabe said he could see no reason to do so.

"People will get access to drink at any time. If they want drink, they'll get it, so this makes no sense."

Cllr Conaghan believes his request is essential to prevent excessive drinking during the parade and other festival events.

"We must avoid the unpleasantness and the shambles that was St Patrick's Day last year. That situation was not enjoyable for people, particularly the parents of young children."

There were several violent incidents on the streets of Dublin following last year's parade.

"Hundreds of people have told me they agree with me and there will be about one million people at the parade. Neither visitors nor local people come to see a drunken spectacle."

Olivia Kelly

Olivia Kelly

Olivia Kelly is Dublin Editor of The Irish Times