Paramilitaries suspected of Dundalk shootings

Gardai believe a paramilitary gang may have been responsible for an indiscriminate shooting attack in Dundalk in which two men…

Gardai believe a paramilitary gang may have been responsible for an indiscriminate shooting attack in Dundalk in which two men were injured, writes Richard McCullen. Investigating gardai also believe a semi-automatic weapon may have been used during a gun attack which left one man critically wounded in the stomach and another with leg injuries.

The incident happened when a three-man gang wearing balaclavas and armed with at least one handgun opened fire on a group of between 10 and 16 young men who had gathered on open ground at Slieve Foy Park, Muirhevnamore, at 10.40 p.m. on Monday night. As the crowd ran for cover, the two victims managed to escape to nearby Glenmore Park, and ambulance personnel found one lying bleeding in the driveway of a house with the other standing nearby. Later gardai came under attack from a hostile mob and one sustained minor injuries. Both injured men, who are in their 20s, are known to gardai.