Parents warned of building site dangers

Builders warned parents today to keep their children away from construction sites during the summer holidays.

Builders warned parents today to keep their children away from construction sites during the summer holidays.

The Construction Industry Federation (CIF) also urged contractors to up security measures so children do not wander onto sites.

Dermot Carey, CIF head of safety services, said that as primary schools close for the summer it is important to highlight the potentially fatal dangers.

"It is natural that young children will be attracted by such sites and in the past this has led to tragic circumstances where young children have been seriously injured and in a small number of cases the accident has been fatal," he said.

"The message from the CIF to both contractors and parents is to be vigilant."

The CIF said construction workers are trained in safety issues while anyone visiting building sites must have completed a Safe Pass training course.

"Construction sites are off limits for members of the public, but especially now as the schools close, the CIF strongly appeals to parents to ensure children stay away from construction sites," said Mr Carey.