Parking fines struck out over shortage of judges

Hundreds of parking fine cases were thrown out yesterday because of an ongoing shortage of judges.

Hundreds of parking fine cases were thrown out yesterday because of an ongoing shortage of judges.

The situation was described by Judge Timothy Lucey as "out of control" as he was forced to sit in three courts, including one dealing with parking fines, because colleagues are absent due to illness.

He struck out around 400 cases which were due to be dealt with in Dublin District Court.

It was the second time this week that between 300 and 400 parking summonses were thrown out because there was no judge to deal with them.


It has been part of an ongoing problem since the beginning of September. Judges are now taking to striking out cases rather than adjourning them. A strike-out means they can be brought again, but they usually are not unless there is a serious element to them.

Striking out the cases yesterday, Judge Lucey said it would be April next year before they could be dealt with.

"It's not right that people should have to wait that long and have to come to court again in six months. The situation is a nonsense and out of control."

There are now three judges on sick leave and one who recently retired has yet to be replaced.