Parliament Office invites citizens to briefings

The Parliament Office and the European Commission Representation invite interested groups to apply for a "citizens' briefing". …

The Parliament Office and the European Commission Representation invite interested groups to apply for a "citizens' briefing". These briefings, for groups of 20 to 25 people, usually take place on a Friday morning, in the EU conference room in European Union House, 43 Molesworth Street, Dublin 2.

After a cup of coffee at 10.30 a.m., groups learn about the role of EPIC, the European Public Information Centre; see a video about how the EU works; and have a series of short briefings on the legal rights of EU citizens, on the role of the European Ombudsman and of the European Parliament's Petitions Committee, and on the main points in the Amsterdam Treaty.

The briefing may also include a meeting with an MEP. Interested groups should apply in writing to the Director, European Parliament Office, 43 Molesworth Street, Dublin 2.