Party for Mandela to mark 88th birthday

SOUTH AFRICA: Anniversaries tend to be contentious in South Africa

SOUTH AFRICA: Anniversaries tend to be contentious in South Africa. Even Freedom Day - commemorating the country's first fully-democratic elections - can be marred by poor participation.

But, in the annual calendar, there is one exception: Nelson Mandela's birthday.

The elder statesman of a relatively new "Rainbow Nation" turned 88 yesterday and South Africans of all colours united in paying tribute.

The former South African president and Nobel laureate, who retired from active politics two years ago, spent the day at a private party with family and friends.


As well as being his birthday, yesterday was the eighth anniversary of his marriage to the Mozambique politician Graca Machel.

The man best known to his compatriots by his clan name, Madiba, or more affectionately as "Tata" - or grandfather, has tried to edge his way out of the limelight in recent years, cutting the number of public appearances dramatically.

He continues to make news, however, with his every utterance parsed and analysed to establish its political import.

Some of his friends said this week he planned to come out of retirement to lead a campaign for children's rights. Others say he wishes to mount one last political offensive - this one against the scourge of HIV/Aids, which in 2005 claimed the life of his only surviving son, Makgatho.

In any event, Mandela is far from forgotten, as the countless gifts and tributes arriving yesterday at his Johannesburg offices testified.