Party leaders to give talks on North economy

The Northern Ireland Chamber of Commerce has invited the leaders of all the political parties in the talks process to address…

The Northern Ireland Chamber of Commerce has invited the leaders of all the political parties in the talks process to address the chamber on their parties' future policies for the Northern Ireland economy.

In its circular announcing the decision, the chamber emphasised that the speakers would be ad dressing economic and not political issues. The addresses will be delivered in Belfast on successive Fridays at lunchtime.

Beginning on January 23rd, the speakers will be (in order): the Taoiseach, Mr Ahern; the leader of the Ulster Unionist Party, Mr David Trimble; the Alliance Party leader, Lord Alderdice; the Progressive Unionist Party leader, Mr David Ervine; the Sinn Fein president, Mr Gerry Adams; and the representative of the Women's Coalition, Ms Monica McWilliams.

On March 6th the chamber will be addressed by the SDLP leader, Mr John Hume.


On March 20th and March 27th, the speakers will be the UK Unionist Party leader, Mr Robert McCartney, and the Ulster Democratic Party's leader, Mr Gary McMichael.

Dates are still being confirmed for the Democratic Unionist Party leader, the Rev Ian Paisley, and a representative of the British government.