Party to spend €3m on election

Fine Gael will send €3 million in an attempt to double its Dáil representation to 63 seats in the next general election, party…

Fine Gael will send €3 million in an attempt to double its Dáil representation to 63 seats in the next general election, party general secretary Tom Curran told the parliamentary party yesterday.

In a session which focused on campaigning techniques, Mr Curran also told TDs, senators and MEPs of the importance of using newer technologies and engaging in virtually permanent campaigning to gain election.

The party, which currently holds 32 Dáil seats, has targeted 31 more. Party strategists will this morning go through each of these seats for parliamentary party members, identifying precisely where they believe gains are possible.

While they will officially have 31 seats, party strategists accept this is a highly optimistic scenario. A minimum gain of more than 20, however, is likely to be required for Fine Gael to have a chance of leading the next government.


Were Labour to gain four and reach 25 and were the Greens to retain their six, they would have the very minimum 83 needed to form a coalition.

Mr Curran said afterwards that, of the €3 million the party planned to spend, some €2 million would be spent before the campaign began. They expected their spending during the campaign itself to be limited by electoral legislation to around €1 million and they would spend up to this limit.

The €2 million pre-campaign funding would begin to be spent next year. They expect to raise some €1.2 million in 2005.

Mr Curran also gave details concerning computer software the party is making available to its candidates to allow them build up a more detailed voter profile than was possible before.