PDs move from FF abortion position

The Progressive Democrats have distanced themselves from the Fianna Fail position on abortion, which is for a referendum on new…

The Progressive Democrats have distanced themselves from the Fianna Fail position on abortion, which is for a referendum on new legislation.

PD Senator Mr John Dardis said yesterday the impression that PDs were taking the same line on abortion as Fianna Fail "was not the case".

Senator Dardis - a member of the All-Party Committee on the Constitution which is to report on abortion shortly - told TV3's current affairs programme, Agenda, the report will outline three options on abortion.

While Fianna Fail is in favour of a referendum, the PDs were "very much in favour of not having to have a very divisive referendum", he said.


Senator Dardis said: "If possible, we want it dealt with in legislation. If it is done in legislation and it impinges on the X case, then it may follow that a referendum would be required."

The All-Party Committee's report is expected to be published next week and presented to the Cabinet subcommittee on abortion, which will make a recommendation to Government.

The report will offer three approaches, reflecting the positions favoured by Fianna Fail, Fine Gael and Labour.

Fianna Fail is in favour of legislating to allow for current medical practice, excluding the risk of suicide. This option would require a referendum to change the Constitution.

The Fine Gael approach is to leave the law unchanged but to focus on preventing crisis pregnancies.

The Labour Party approach is to provide for abortion in accordance with the Supreme Court judgment in the X case. This would permit abortion where there is a real and substantial threat to the life of the mother, including the risk of suicide.