PDs to move to smaller headquarters

THE PROGRESSIVE Democrats have decided to quit their Dublin headquarters, following cuts in State funding and lay-offs since …

THE PROGRESSIVE Democrats have decided to quit their Dublin headquarters, following cuts in State funding and lay-offs since the last election.

The party's South Frederick Street offices were the backdrop for some of the most exciting events in Irish politics from the mid-1980s onwards.

However, just two party staff work daily in the offices, compared to at least eight when the party's fortunes were at their height.

Now, the owner of the building has decided that he wants to sell up, for €2.75 million, and the party has decided that smaller premises are required.


The PDs are understood to have given up the tenancy rights they have enjoyed as a long-term occupant of the building in return for staying there rent-free while the owner attempts to sell the building.

The party had the opportunity to buy the building for approximately €1m in late 2001, but the plan fell through. The PDs' national executive had then agreed, and a number of party members had offered interest-free, repayable loans, but the parliamentary party objected.

"The decision to sell the building is entirely the business of the owner, not the PDs.

"The party will look at taking smaller accommodation elsewhere in the city," said a party spokesman last night.

The decision to depart South Frederick Street will be another blow for the party's membership, following last year's disastrous election results. In addition, the lack of visibility of the new party leader, Senator Ciarán Cannon, who took over from Mary Harney, is causing increasing concern within the party.

The South Frederick Street offices became nationally known after files detailing donors' names and contributions were accidentally dumped in a skip outside the building in 1997.

The files showed donations to the party from a number of prominent figures and businesses.