Peace forum resumes in Dublin Castle

Fifteen delegations are expected at Dublin Castle today for the reconvening of the Forum for Peace and Reconciliation, which …

Fifteen delegations are expected at Dublin Castle today for the reconvening of the Forum for Peace and Reconciliation, which will again be chaired by Mrs Justice Catherine McGuinness. It will meet every two or three months between now and May - the projected end of the Stormont talks. All parties that participated previously will attend, including the main parties in the Republic, the SDLP, Sinn Fein, the Women's Coalition, the Alliance Party, the Labour (Northern Ireland) Party, and the Workers' Party.

Sources yesterday said the loyalist fringe parties, the PUP and UDP, had been informally asked to attend but had indicated they would not. An "observer" for the parties is unable to attend because of another engagement.

The Sinn Fein delegation will be led by the party's MP and chief negotiator, Mr Martin McGuinness. Senator Maurice Hayes will take the place held by the late Senator Gordon Wilson. The Taoiseach, Mr Ahern, will open the 21/2-hour meeting and delegations will deliver statements on "Northern Ireland: Political Situation and Developments".