Peamount action adjourned

Proceedings by two of the most senior medical personnel at Peamount Hospital concerning their status in the hospital were adjourned…

Proceedings by two of the most senior medical personnel at Peamount Hospital concerning their status in the hospital were adjourned by the High Court yesterday to Thursday next.

Last month, Ms Justice Laffoy granted interim injunctions to Prof Luke Clancy and Dr Paul Kelly, respectively medical director and senior hospital medical officer at Peamount, restraining their removal from their positions and restraining interference with the conduct of their duties.

The judge had said she was making the order in Prof Clancy's case because he had 20 patients under his care in the hospital. In Dr Kelly's case, she said she was granting the injunction because he had on March 18th received a letter indicating that if he was not prepared to take up a new post he would be treated as having resigned.

The judge later clarified that her interim order related only to the treatment of existing patients in Peamount.


When the case was mentioned yesterday, Mr Justice Lavan adjourned it to Thursday with the orders continuing on the understanding that any new patient admissions by Prof Clancy may not take place without the permission of the hospital.

At earlier hearings, the court was told that Prof Clancy was concerned that the closure of the chest hospital at Peamount and the absence of any transitional arrangements would mean new patients with TB may end up on trolleys in the Accident and Emergency units of general hospitals.

A strategic plan for Peamount envisages refocusing its services to provide a range of rehabilitation and continuing care services.