Peer jailed over expenses fraud

LONDON – Lord Taylor of Warwick has become the first peer to be jailed over the UK parliamentary expenses scandal after a judge…

LONDON – Lord Taylor of Warwick has become the first peer to be jailed over the UK parliamentary expenses scandal after a judge sentenced him to 12 months in prison yesterday for claiming more than £11,000 in false travel and overnight subsistence allowances.

The 58-year-old former barrister, the first parliamentarian to stand trial over expenses, had pursued a “protracted course of dishonesty” and lied to the jury on oath, the judge, Mr Justice Saunders, said when passing sentence at Southwark crown court, south London.

The first Conservative black peer, who joined the House of Lords in 1996, had said his main residence was in Oxford, while in fact his only residence was in Ealing, west London. – ( Guardianservice)